Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 9: Is Familiar Better?

READ: Numbers 14:3-4

When you really think about what the Israelites were wishing for, you see how crazy their thinking had become. Did they really want to go back to Egypt where they lived as slaves? Had they forgotten about the hard labor and abuse? How could their old lives - void of any personal freedom - be better than fighting for the land God promised them, a land flowing with milk and honey?

Humans are funny. Sometimes when we are scared the familiar sounds better – no matter how awful it is. We prefer what we know to the unknown. We would rather have the predictable than change – even if it is a life of slavery.

-What is “your Egypt?” Is there anything in your life that you need to be free of? Is there something you need to walk away from? Are you not doing it because in some sort of crazy way it seems easier to accept what is than to get up and make a change?

A phrase from the worship song, “Trading My Sorrows,” is: “I’m trading my sorrow, I’m trading my shame. I’m laying them down for the joy of the Lord…” Ask the Lord if there is anything you need to trade in. Say yes to what the Lord wants to give you instead. Pray against the lies of the enemy (Satan) who wants you to believe a life of slavery is better than The Promised Land.

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