Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 10: Beyond Words

READ: Numbers 14:5-6

After Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb witnessed their people give in to despair and start appointing a new leader to take them back to Egypt, they were beyond words. Moses and Aaron fell prostrate on the ground while Joshua and Caleb tore their robes. Picture it.

In the Bible, when someone tore their clothes it was a sign of great distress, grief, surrender, or desperation. Falling on your face in this situation seems to communicate similar emotions. Reflecting on the scenario, what else could they do? Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb were beyond words because they knew what God had for His people. They knew what the Israelites were turning away from and going back to. They knew their fear and despair was unwarranted because God was going to give them the victory. Knowing all that, how could they not fall on their faces and tear their clothing in the presence of the congregation?

-What do you do, what do you say when you are full of faith regarding a certain situation and others are not?
-What led the Israelites to this all out rebellion?
-How do you think Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb felt in this moment?

Pray for Two River’s campaign leadership team and their committees: Brad Brinson, Mike Sommi, Charlie Slagle, Robyn Wagner, Dick Moe, Tom Johnson, Connie Bailey, Randy Smith, Bill Bauer, Harry Page, Claude Fraser, and Steve Johnson.

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